
About Buying is a company that aims to reshape the landscape of e-commerce the same way the last generation of companies did. We believe that there are new business models, new ways of distribution, more effective methods of leveraging purchasing power, and efficiencies in logistics and backoffice operations that can help power the next wave of e-commerce. E-commerce, in its current form, involves many moving parts including storefront creation, backoffice operations, purchasing, fulfillment, distribution and more. This begs the question—is there a more vertically integrated, efficient solution that improve the economics of e-commerce. The answer is a vociferous—YES.

Our value proposition is:
MicroDistribution: Microdistribution channels powered by decentralized networks and distributed ledgers. Purchasing Power: Harness the advantage of wholesale pricing by offering Direct to Consumer pricing by peer to peer networks. Storefront Creation: Provide a first of its kind e-commerce platform that enables e-tailers to plug seamlessly into the decentralized network. Fragmentation: Enable smaller retailers who do not have the access to a vertically integrated services to pose a serious threat to larger retailers such as Amazon and Walmart by offering fully integrated backoffice operations coupled with our decentralized networks, microdistribution and peer to peer networks. We are changing the rules of the game. This is the new era of Decentralized E-Commerce.

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